

Kindergarten K1-K3 Age 3-6 years old 幼稚園 3-6歲

2025/2026 Central Registration Interview Information 中央登記面談資訊

Please note the following during the day of assessment:

1. Interview Location: Avenida Primeiro de Maio, No.214, Edf. YU Wa, R/C, Macau

2. Each student can be accompanied by one adult

3. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled assessment time

4. Bring the applicant's original identification document and the “interview QR code“

5. All applicants and accompanying adults should check temperature

6. For enquiries, please contact the Registry at 2832 2088 (Weekdays 9:00 am -17:00 pm, Saturdays 9:00am -12:00pm)


1. 面談地點:澳門勞動節大馬路214號裕華大廈地下

2. 每名報名生限1名大人陪同

3. 請於面談時間前5-10分鐘到達

4. 面談須帶同報名生證件及”入學面談二維碼”

5. 面談須進行體溫測量

6. 如有任何查詢,請致電校務處2832 2088 (星期一至五上午九時至下午五時,星期六上午九時至下午十二時)

幼稚園 幼兒入學中央登記措施

  • 幼兒首次入學申請者必須參考教育及青年發展局於每年1月發佈之幼兒首次入學中央登記措施

  • 其他入學申請者請直接與校方聯繫

Kindergarten Admission for 1st time registered students

  • Applicants of 1st Time Infant Education: follow the registration guidelines of DSEDJ announced each year in January.

  • All other applicants: direct inquiry to our school